Holiday Packaging, Christmas

We are all agreeing in that November is a big ignored month, most of as count: Halloween, Christmas, and the year is over!

Although we would like to be solidary with this month, actually since first day we are already looking forward for the awesome designs of Christmas.

We love this time of the year in which everything get a special touch, and we all are allow to add lights, colors and beautiful designs everywhere.

This year, more than ever, Christmas season is expected to be the most heated time for the majority of e-commerce brands.
and there is a big question floating in everyone heads: How to stand out among the competence? If you want to solve this question keep reading!

Timing, when it is about a big season like Christmas most of the companies start to prepare months before, did you know that even there is the expression: “Christmas on July”, making reference to the extra time of anticipation to prepare for the big event.

But don’t be panic! Of course in this case the sooner the better, but you also can find companies specialize in packaging and design that can help you to save money and time preparing a Christmas artwork for your brand. By the way we are one of those companies! Check our STRUCTURAL AND GRAPHIC DESIGN  service.

Remember, big season requires smart preparation!

Pro tip Order with anticipation will help you to avoid peak seasons, get lower prices and avoid run out of stock 

The Budget, One of the first things to do with your packaging is set the budget,

For it we have to talk first about why implement a holiday packaging is an investment for your brand. Packaging itself its essential to your product, it protects, influences the purchasing process, build brand and mediates in the relation between the brand, the customer and the product.

Holiday packaging adds to it some extra advantages:

-Refresh the
image of your brand

-Enhance the

-Boost your

Now that you know the benefits let’s talk about budget.

There is no necessary to spend a fortune customizing your packaging, in fact to limit the budget could help you to avoid overloading your packaging. First step make sure you invest in the correct material and size. Safety is an essential duty of packaging.

Here are some tricks to customize without spend all your budget

Gift Tag, A simple tag with a holiday related message could make a big difference for your costumers.

Pro Tip Play with the typography and includes some surface treatments to add luxury to it! 

Stickers, Minimalist it’s a great trend! A simple design with a Christmas sticker could be an interesting and outstanding option.

Ready To give, We all appreciate saving some time, if we can buy something ready to put under the Christmas tree, it is a great plus!   

Pro Tip Use the colors of Christmas, this help to send the clear message that your brand is directly related with the holiday

Ribbons, are without a doubt the statement of a gift, add them to your design is a good way to include holiday! 

Print inside the box, One of the best things of Christmas is to get surprise, add a holiday related print message inside and boost the excitement of your costumer. 

Take risks! Among all the option the best way to out stand is to be different. Make sure to make of your packaging memorable.

Pro Tip, we are experts! Contact us

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