What is the meaning of packaging? In the simplest description, packaging refers to the wrapping or bottling in charge of keeping the product safe, and of course, today it is still valid. However, packaging has acquired a deeper meaning in the current market, becoming an essential part of marketing, branding, and promotion.

To answer it, we should start saying that packaging is close to all of us, in a regular day, we handle all kinds of packaging if you look around is highly probable that you found a package near to you.
The story of packaging starts, approximately, in the year 1036 in Cairo’s market. However, packaging, as we know it today, formally starts in the 19th Century, accompanied by the use of cardboard and paperboard. https://www.entrepreneur.com/encyclopedia/packaging
Since the beginning packaging industry has been evolving, improving, and changing. According to us, the closest meaning of packaging in the current market could be:
Design, projection, evaluation, and promotion of a secure wrapping or bottling which involves, from the selection of the material, shape, color, typography, information, and texture, to the construction of the brand, the relationship between brand, product and customer, and the product perception; and that influences the purchasing process.

Let’s take it part by part,

Design, projection, evaluation, and promotion: Involves all the necessary activities to build the package, since the selection of material, printing process, shapes, color, typography, artwork, and sampling, but it also involves the ability to predict the performance of the package and see it in relationship to the context, the client’s needs, and the product features.
Branding: The packaging enhances the construction of the brand; it helps to create an identifiable
image, a sense of belonging. It adds a differentiation plus to the product.

Sharing: Packaging allows you to share a message, to tell your customer the values of your company, the story behind the product.
Purchase: Good packaging potency the capability of your product to reach the customer. Stand out, communicate, create value, and build engagement, that is to say increase your purchases.
In short, the best synonym to packaging is Tool, use it correctly, and improve your business. We can help you, contact us