If you Google the word “packaging” the first definition that will appear is “materials used to wrap or protect goods.” It sounds really simple, but IT IS NOT! Packaging it’s more than that. Because of that, it’s easy to make some mistakes, sometimes little mistakes and sometimes just ridiculous mistakes, but let’s talk about real examples.

Herbal Twins!
Two of the biggest herbal tea companies in China entered a legal fight because of the similarity between their packages. In the end, the Supreme Court let that both of the companies use the same package and work based on mutual understanding.
This fight may have no legal effects, but imagine that you are in the supermarket you pass walking for the tea section and you see these cans on the shelf. Will you realize that are two different products? That’s why of the first packaging duty, BE UNIQUE!
Confused customers!
“We guaranteed multiple orgasms” that’s the slogan of a German condoms company; you may think that it’s normal, but some of the rival companies thought different, they entered to a legal claim to banned it. According to those companies, the slogan in the package “promises up to 21 orgasms for a pack of seven, three per condom” could makes that the customer gets confused and feel encouraged to reuse condoms.

Maybe for you, it is obvious no one it’s going to reuse a condom but think in a couple of teenagers that buys their first package of condoms, think that before using them they read in the package: “three per condom”. That brings us to our second duty in the package: BE CLEAR!

“Not too much to say”
Currently exist a huge quantity of e-commerce companies around the world, they offer a big variety of products and of course include delivery service.
One of those companies it’s the star of this example. Here we just want to say: if the package it’s more than 20 times the size of the product maybe it’s too big.
Consequently, our third duty in package is: BE SUITABLE!
There is an incredible quantity of examples, but we think that those three can explain the initial point, packaging it’s not simple, it could be your biggest advantage if you made it correctly and of course we are experts in making it perfect! https://www.htpackagings.com/contact-us/