Time flies…Where has this year gone already? With that in mind, we would love to share our top packaging trends of the year. We want to help your business prepare its packaging and give you that competitive edge all year round, and beyond!
The packaging industry is always evolving. It is heavily rich in new trends and technologies. And so, while things are finally getting back to normal after COVID-19, we are still seeing huge trends when it comes to the use of mail order and food packaging. This increase in demand means that the innovation and creative decisions of packaging essential business products means we had to be working incredibly hard to compete in an already competitive industry. But fortunately, this is a refreshing dedication to sustainability.
The Evolution of Packaging
As the packaging industry continues to evolve, the key changes and trends remain true to the original purpose, protection of the packaging as well as the contents. In addition, it is about increasing the consumer appeal. To this end, creative new products and ideas continue to dominate the packaging landscape.
As for materials, 2022 and beyond is seeing a continued transition from single use plastics and paper materials to recyclable materials and Eco-friendly products. In this piece, we will be exploring this among other reasons that packaging marketing will change in 2022.
We have produced five of the main ways in which packaging marketing will change in 2022 and potentially many more years to come.
1. Increase in Sustainability

Sustainable packaging has remained a hot topic among the product packaging industry for the past few years, and there is a reason why. 2022 is no different; in many ways it is picking up momentum across the board and is being aided in part by consumer hype and demand. ECO friendly materials will be used much more frequently and will thankfully contribute to a greener future for our planet. And why would you not want to contribute to the health of the environment with all that is happening in our universe? Companies are embracing this change and you can see the evidence of this on any major E-commerce website. A simple change such as removing and replacing plastic bags to paper bags will have a huge and long-term influence and effect on the impact we make in the world. So, although core function of modern packaging remains the same, sustainability and ECO friendliness is a major new role that the currently packaging industry needs to continue not only in 2022 but far into the future.
2. E-Commerce Will Remain Strong
Now, more than ever, e-commerce is dominating the world in which we live when it come shopping or consumerism. For obvious reasons, customers prefer to shop online due to the discreteness, instead of visiting stores. And although the pandemic will continue to come to an end, the practicality and ease of use realized from online selling will remain far into the future.
This is one of the most important reasons as to why the need for fresh, useful and creative packaging companies are needed as we move into a modern and online based consumer environment. A main aspect of packaging that is improving along with this trend is the packaging ability to safeguard its products. Many brands have started to introduce a dual-layered packaging system to aid in this. For this reason, E-commerce packaging will continue to grow in 2022 and beyond to be a major aspect of the future of beautiful packaging.

3. Focus on Customization
As we have established, the main use of stunning packaging is to keep its contents safe and aid in making a product sellable and attractive to the eye. At HeTien, we believe that the creative spark really starts with customizable packaging, and we enjoy seeing that this year’s packaging trends are wholeheartedly embracing this. An increasingly competitive industry such as packaging is creating new and innovative ways to stand out from the crowd. And guess what? Customizable packaging is an accessible and attractive way that consumers can jump on board. Offering customizable packaging options for customers opens so many possibilities for them, making packaging useable in a whole range of ways, including raising brand awareness and increasing consumer appeal.

4. The effect of COVID 19

It goes without saying that compared to the tragic loss of life and pain caused by the pandemic, any way that the packaging industry suffered pails in significance. It was a traumatic time.
The packaging industry suffered too. But on a much smaller scale, of course, especially when lives were involved. But suffer it did and was unfortunately affected by the lack of materials due to tougher movement from places such as the US, China and Europe. This forced many consumers to find alternative distribution networks and hindered the workflow of many companies, including ours. Thankfully, this is easing now that things have changed. A huge surge in safe and hygienic packaging is making a huge impact and is rising significantly among the online medium which is very important after the past few years. We expect this trend to continue to rise through-out 2022 and beyond.
5. The use of color

Finally, let us take a look at color. Color is a huge yet often overlooked aspect of packaging. It has the power to convey emotions and feelings that most other sensual mediums cannot. For example, a blue package will have a calming effect on the recipient, red will hint at caution and a sense of urgency, whilst purple will influence a creative outlook. Of course, this is subjective, but there have been many studies into this, and a well-established color theory is widely accepted. Companies often use bold colors on their packaging as a means of advertisement or to match the products use. It is also used to make packaging more attractive and eye catching. The strategy is clear and will be seen playing out via many packaging companies in 2022 and years to come.
Packaging You Can Rely on with HeTien
We would love to help you move forward with your package design, so please get in touch with us; the packaging experts.
Why choose us? At HeTien, we are proud to be the leader in the packaging design industry. We love what we do and with over 10 years’ experience in the custom box and packaging industry, we are confident in bringing you packaging with the highest quality and most cost-effective solutions for you and your business!